How to get your child interested in reading?

encourage reading habits

You are an avid reader and you want your child to inherit the same trait. Good thought indeed. Children are like wet soil and we the parents are the ones who shape their habits. Here are 9 tips to encourage reading habits in your kids.

Start reading to your child at an early age

Even reading to infants won’t be too early. Whenever you can start reading to your kids. Childhood is the best time to pick new habits.

Also, read about the right time to start reading to your kids.

Visit bookstores, libraries frequently

Take casual strolls around bookstores, libraries etc. like you visit supermarkets. Making your kid familiar with the environment can encourage reading habits.

Read bedtime stories

Give your child the cuddle and feeling of belongingness with bedtime stories. Let your kid imagine the story, characters, and make him curious towards the next read.

Read more about the benefits of bedtime stories.

Continue reading to your child even after he has learned to read

Many parents stop reading to their kids once they start reading themselves. You should continue reading to your kids and can read alternate pages, paragraphs, etc. This way, you’ll also be aware if your child is facing any reading difficulties.

Don’t be impulsive

Pushing kids to pursue something is the worst. Moreover, children rebel easily. Therefore, never ever scold, or impose reading to your child. Instead think of fun ways or some of the tricks mentioned here to encourage reading habits in your kid.

Make reading a routine

As there is play time, make a routine for reading as well. This will help in gaining continuity over a habit for a longer time.

Pick colorful and pictographic books

Kids are more attracted towards manga, comics, etc. Give them ample of comics to read. Gradually increase the level from less text more pictures to vice versa.

Here’s a checklist of best comic books of all time.

Listen to his interests and disinterests for books

Also, don’t ignore your child’s interests. If he is interested in dancing, let him dance. Give him a book related to dance. Try to bring a win-win situation.

Be a reader yourself

Last but not least, children pick habits from their parents. Therefore, you should also read books in front of your children. It’s good to have a library or study room at home. But, let your children access that room and spend time with you there.