How to trick my child into being a better reader

being a better reader- develop reading habit

Nobody likes being tricked. But this is the way it works with children. Kids don’t understand plain language. We need to make things interesting until the child develops a flair for it. Here, when we want to mold our child into being a better reader, we need to attract them towards books first. But, how to do that? Read along some fun tricks to develop reading habit in your child.

Use vocals while reading

Read out loud to your kids and also in funny voices. Kids have a great reception for humor. They are open to every little thing that makes them and others smile. Make them feel, reading is so much fun.

Reward your kid with Books

Parent’s appreciation means a lot to children. And you can often reward your child for their good work with books of their interest. Reward them with a mix of toys and books.

Make your child read books before their movie adaptation

This may sound boring to your kid, but make him read the book before its movie adaptation. We don’t want to develop a habit of taking shortcuts right?

In fact, reading is much more fascinating than watching the movie. The long queues for hours before Harry Potter book release illustrates that reading can be more fun.

You can keep a track on bestsellers and give your child an opportunity to read before the movie adaption.

Attend book release parties with your kids

OK, this isn’t often, and you’ll have to consider your child’s age as well. But, whenever, wherever, you get an opportunity, don’t miss it. Be it a book release, or bookstore launch party, it will help your child come out of the notion that books and libraries are silence keepers.

Do let us know which trick worked for your child at [email protected]